SHH - Shanghai Hotel Holland
SHH stands for Shanghai Hotel Holland
Here you will find, what does SHH stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Shanghai Hotel Holland? Shanghai Hotel Holland can be abbreviated as SHH What does SHH stand for? SHH stands for Shanghai Hotel Holland. What does Shanghai Hotel Holland mean?The Netherlands based company is located in Delft, Zuid-Holland engaged in hospitality industry.
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Alternative definitions of SHH
- Shishmaref, Alaska USA
- Superhero Hype
- Sacred Heart Hospital
- Somerset Hills Hotel
- Stichling Hahn Hilbrich
- Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica
- Scatacook Helping The Hungry
- Sally's Horsey Homepage
View 78 other definitions of SHH on the main acronym page
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- SAIA Swedish Association of International Affairs
- SFS Sarasota Film Society
- SCS Signal Commercial Services
- SAO Student Activities Office
- SGA Somersault Group Australia
- SEM Single Edition Media
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